WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Bickering between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could affect Democratic turnout in the general election, suggests a poll released Thursday.
Fighting between Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could drive Democratic turnout this fall.
Sixteen percent of Clinton supporters questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey said they are not likely to vote in the general election if Obama is the Democratic nominee.
An equal number of Obama supporters said they'll sit it out come November if Clinton is their party's nominee.
"The problem for the Democratic Party in November may not be crossover votes: Clinton supporters choosing [Sen. John] McCain in the fall if Obama wins the nomination or Obama voters doing likewise if Clinton gets the nod," CNN polling director Keating Holland said. "The real problem may be that those disaffected Clinton or Obama supporters may just stay at home in November, which could cost the party dearly in some key states.
"If the Obama stay-at-home vote is largely African-American, that will affect Democrats' chances on the ballot in several Southern states and could take states like Virginia off the table completely," Holland said. "It might even hurt Democrats in states where the party relies on heavy turnout in large urban areas, such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.
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"And if the Clinton stay-at-home vote is predominantly female, that will hurt the party everywhere," he added.
But polls are just snapshots of how people feel at the moment. If the Democrats can come together and agree on a nominee, most of the ill will could be just a memory by November.
Clinton spoke out Thursday in Fayetteville, North Carolina, regarding party unity, and she had a warning to Democrats who may consider sitting out the November election or even voting for McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee. The funny part of all this?!?! There is allot more to come. With Pennsylvania in a few weeks, I am sure we have not seen the big guns of Obama and Clinton yet. This is making the Democrat's primary into a mockery. We have still not seen Obama's so call full assault on Clinton. Hillary is a veteran of politics and I am sure she has a trick or two up her shelve.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
If I Was A Democrat, I Cry Too!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Free Kool-Aid!!
Barack Obama gained a boost yesterday when the first poll taken since his make-or-break speech last week on race put him back ahead of Hillary Clinton. A nationwide Gallup poll put Obama on 48% to Clinton's 45%. The same poll last week, taken at the height of the row over Obama's minister in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright, gave Clinton her first lead for weeks, 49% to his 42%.
Snippets of Wright's sermons calling on members of the congregation to sing "God Damn America" had been playing on cable television. On Tuesday, Obama gave a speech in Philadelphia rejecting Wright's views but refusing to disown him, and putting Wright in the context of race relations in the US overall.
Both the Obama and Clinton campaign teams have been anxiously awaiting the first poll to see how the speech played with the public. Gallup began polling on Wednesday and continued through to Friday. The poll was of 1,264 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters.
Obama left the campaign trail on Friday for a holiday. He is due back tomorrow, resuming campaigning in North Carolina, one of 10 states left still to vote on the Democratic nomination. The big test will be the Pennsylvania primary on April 22. If Obama can keep Clinton's expected victory to 55-45, he will remain on course to take the nomination. If Wright was tied to any one else, like he is to Obama. They would be Politically dead. It makes you wonder what kind of Kool-aid Obama is serving? Well, I can not think of any flavor that drivers people this crazy. So, It must be the best kind of Kool-Aid, FREE!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Watch Out For What You Wish For!
Analysis Corp. President John Brennan, shown here in 2004, advises Barack Obama, a source tells CNN.
John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said.
Brennan briefed the media on behalf of the campaign this month.
The executive is a former senior CIA official and former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
He contributed $2,300 to the Obama campaign in January.
When asked about the contribution, a State Department official told CNN's Zain Verjee, "We ethically awarded contracts. Political affiliation is not one of the factors that we check."
On Friday, the department revealed that Obama's passport file was improperly accessed three times this year, and the passport files of the two other major presidential candidates -- Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain-- had also been breached. Three contractors are accused in the wrongdoing, including the one who works for the Analysis Corp. and who was disciplined. That contractor accessed McCain's file in addition to Obama's. None of the contractors was identified.
The Washington Times, which broke the story Thursday night that Obama's records had been improperly accessed, reported Saturday that the State Department inquiry is focusing on the Analysis Corp. employee. Also, the investigation by the department's inspector general will include polygraph tests for supervisors in the passport section to find out whether there was any political motive. This Stinks!!!!! Obama advisor is behind the breaches?!? Funny thing is that, before, it was known to be his advisor, Obama supporters were screaming for those to be tar and feathered. I think there is more here than you see. We MIGHT found out soon. Obama is on the come back. But, if this is true, he is done with.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Clinton and Michigan About To Be Cheated!
WASHINGTON (AFP) — As they fight for every precious delegate, White House hopefuls Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are trading shots on how to resolve the dilemma of Michigan and Florida, barred from the Democratic Party's nominating race.
"It's a game of political chicken," said Michigan University professor Mike Traugott, saying neither of the candidates wanted to be the first to give in.
Florida and Michigan were punished by the Democratic Party for violating its rules by holding their primaries too early. As a result, delegates from the two states will be absent from the party's August nominating contest in Denver.
But Clinton, who won both the primaries, has argued the Democratic voters of Florida and Michigan should not be disenfranchised.
"I do not see how two of our largest and most significant states can be disenfranchised and left out of the process of picking our nominee without raising serious questions about the legitimacy of that nominee."
But Obama, who is currently ahead in the all-important delegate stakes after a series of wins in the nation's primaries, appears to be playing for time as he seeks the Democratic nomination for the November presidential elections.
"Senator Clinton, I have to say on this, has been completely disingenuous," Obama told CNN late Wednesday saying she had initially supported the party's ruling.
"Then as soon as she got into trouble politically and it looked like she would have no prospect of winning the nomination without having them count, suddenly she's extraordinarily concerned with the voters there."
Obama's campaign spokesman Bill Burton said Thursday: "We support a fair solution that allows Michigan Democrats to participate at our national convention this summer, and we look forward to working with the Michigan Democratic Party and the DNC to achieve that goal."
According to the latest estimates, the former first lady is trailing behind Obama in the delegate stakes with 1,493 delegates to his 1,628. But both are still a long way from the 2,025 needed to win the nomination.
In normal times, Michigan would have 156 delegates and Florida some 210 at the convention.
Clinton is banking on repeating her January wins in the states' primaries to help narrow the gap with Obama.
But Florida has already ruled out a new vote, and Michigan's state legislature also appeared unlikely to debate the option of holding a new primary before its Easter recess.
Asked if such a bill would be brought to the state senate, Senator Michelle McManus, chairwoman of the campaigns and election oversight committee, said: "I don't foresee that happening."
"We had a primary, and unfortunately the Democrats choose not to participate. The Republicans did, and John McCain has said he'll seat all the Michigan delegates," she told AFP.
The stalemate has led supporters on both sides to try to find an acceptable compromise.
"It will get down to serious negotiations about this, and then it will turn on whether or not Hillary Clinton wants to make a concession," said Traugott.
"The real issue here is that Obama has a lead in the delegates that she has to cut into and overcome ... so the only opportunity she has is for a re-vote. He doesn't really have an incentive to go along with this."
Obama supporter Chris Dodd suggested Thursday splitting the Michigan delegates 50-50 as the only fair solution given that Illinois senator's name didn't even figure on the state's ballot paper.
While a Clinton backer proposed that half of the Florida delegates should be allocated based on results of the January 29 primary, and the other half on other criteria such as the national results. Obama about to cheat Michigan out. Obama wants to split Michigan's delegates 50-50. This way he can't lose. Why should Michigan suffer over his mistakes? YES! HIS FAULT! He could of gotten his act together and been on Michigan's ticket. Hillary did! Obama choose not to be in that primary. Was he trying to save money? Was he trying to save face by not taking the risk of losing to Hillary? It is his fault, and , I believe it is not fair to Clinton or Michigan.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Obama's "WORDS" Becoming Hard To Believe!!
Buried in his eloquent, highly praised speech on America's racial divide, Sen. Barack Obama contradicted more than a year of denials and spin from him and his staff about his knowledge of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's controversial sermons.
Similarly, Obama also has only recently given a much fuller accounting of his relationship with indicted political fixer Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a longtime friend, who his campaign once described as just one of "thousands of donors."
Until yesterday, Obama said the only thing controversial he knew about Rev. Wright was his stand on issues relating to Africa, abortion and gay marriage.
It was only last week that he revealed Rezko had raised some $250,000 in campaign contributions for him.
The campaign had initially claimed Rezko-connected contributions were no more than $60,000, an amount the campaign donated to charity. Then the figure grew to around $86,000, and there were additional revelations that put the amount at about $150,000. Obama's $250,000 accounting was a substantial jump and clearly contradicted earlier campaign statements that Rezko was just one of "thousands of donors." The sad part is that there are more tapes to come. This will not die down, especially, when more evidence comes out that Obama knew more than he is saying. Obama has surrounded himself with some question people, and it is starting to come out and hurt his credibility. But, worst is that he is getting caught not telling the whole truth about his relationships with these people. News of even worst tapes on the way will sink his Presidents race. Can Obama survive ? Is Obama starting to lose his credibility?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Obama is Stalling! Democrates Going to Revolt?
Aides said the former first lady would make a hastily arranged appearance in Detroit on Wednesday to make the argument for going ahead despite the obstacles.
Mo Elleithee, a spokesman, said Clinton would "make the case for counting the people of Michigan, that every vote must count and that Senator Obama is standing in the way of a revote, and that snubbing Michigan would hurt the Democratic party in November."
Even before Clinton announced her travel plans, Obama's spokesman accused her of merely looking out for her own political interests.
"As others in Michigan have pointed out, there are valid concerns about the proposal currently being discussed, including severe restrictions on voter eligibility and the reliance on private funding," said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. "We have raised these concerns, as legislators in Michigan did today, and we're waiting to see if these issues can be resolved by the Legislature."
Michigan is one of two states that violated Democratic Party rules by holding primaries too early in the year. As punishment, the party stripped both states of their delegates to the national nominating convention.
Plans for a revote in the other state, Florida, collapsed over the weekend, leaving the future of its delegation unclear.
Originally, Michigan was to have 128 delegates; Florida's total was 185. Clinton is about to have a melt down. Can you blame her? While Michigan Democrats are getting the cold shoulder from Obama and Dean. If Michiganites do not get their voice heard, than they should get pissed. This is becoming one of the biggest cluster *ucks I have ever seen. How can the Democratic party be taken seriously? If this is how they run their primaries, then God help us if they take over the White House.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Obama's Big Day!!
Barack Obama is preparing to deliver a major address Tuesday on race, politics and unifying the country after being hounded by questions about his relationship to a pastor whose sermons have been laced with anti-American invective.
With the constant attention on Wright, Obama’s strategists planned the speech, deciding they could no longer ignore the percolating issues that are distracting from the candidate’s message of hope and change.
“Given the events of the past few weeks, and some of the statements that have been made, Senator Obama felt it was an important moment to address the issue of race, politics and how we bring our country together,” Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said Monday. Good move on Obama's part. He will try to cool down the fire's that are about to burn, his chances for 08 race, to the ground. It appears that he is trying to get the negative news, of recent, out in the air and over with. This day could make or break him! How much do you think this will help him? Is it possible to silence some of the negative press?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
TAKE COVER!! Obama's Full Assault, About to Begin !!!
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Hillary Clinton's White House campaign lashed out Sunday after a report said rival Barack Obama was preparing a "full assault" on her after unloading some embarrassments to his own campaign.
The feuding over the report in the Democrat's hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, came as Republican nominee-elect John McCain polished his national security credentials on a surprise trip to Iraq.
"It is disappointing that a campaign that began by promising a politics of hope has come to this, that it is signalling and revelling in attacks on Senator Clinton's character," her communications director Howard Wolfson said.
"This is not the campaign they promised us," he said on a conference call.
The Tribune noted that Obama was now distancing himself from his fiery Chicago pastor, who argues in a newly unearthed video that the September 11 attacks of 2001 showed that "America's chickens are coming home to roost."
But earlier Sunday, Obama aides kept up a barrage of questioning over Clinton's tax returns, her records from her White House days, and possible ties to donors who gave generously to her husband Bill's presidential library.
"The Clinton campaign says she has been fully vetted but the truth is she is a veteran of non-disclosure," Obama chief strategist David Axelrod said.
"All of this has created a sense that there are things she wants the public not to know," he said.
And addressing the Clinton camp's battle to seat delegates from the pariah states of Florida and Michigan, Axelrod said: "You get the feeling they are literally trying to do anything to win this nomination."
The feistier tone between the campaigns belied a truce over Obama's pastor with Clinton supporters passing up repeating opportunities to decry the inflammatory language of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who said in the newly disclosed video that the 9/11 attacks were brought on by US "terrorism."
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the country's highest ranking elected Democrat, ruled out a "dream ticket" combining Obama and Clinton and said the party's nominee should be whoever leads in the final delegate count. Take cover, this is about to get ugly! Obama appears to be ready for an all out assault on Clinton. He is looking for the KNOCK-OUT PUNCH! I am betting this will be the hottest weeks of mud slinging we have seen yet. With Nancy Pelosi telling us there will be no "Dream Ticket" , then there no reason to play nice. Do you think this will take Clinton out of the race? Are you one of those that like to watch this showdown at high noon? Will this help McCain when it is all said and done?
Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are classic tax-and-spend liberals whose proposals would, if ever implemented, take money out of the pockets of virtually all taxpayers — including low- and moderate-income Americans.Yet the contenders for the Democratic Party nomination for president continue to insist that they would merely “tax the rich” while helping those with lower incomes.We’ll see — sooner than Obama and Clinton would like.This week, both cast votes in the Senate against continuing President Bush’s tax relief package. Soon, they will be voting on a federal budget bill proposed by Democrat leaders and supported by Clinton and Obama. According to published reports, that budget bill would, if enacted, increase taxes on individuals making as little as $31,850 a year and on families earning as little as $63,700. If that’s “rich,” it will come as news to tens of millions of middle-class Americans. Liberals in both houses of Congress insist that their budget plans are needed in order to reduce federal deficit spending. At the same time, they include massive increases in spending — made possible, of course, by higher taxes. The Democrat budgets specify spending increases in excess of the rate of inflation for virtually all domestic programs. President Bush’s budget proposal, on the other hand, calls for restraint in domestic spending — and taxation.If Obama and Clinton continue to support their party’s budget plans — as they have in the past — they will expose themselves for what they are: politicians whose plans include major tax increases on virtually all Americans. Tax me!!! Please, TAX ME!!! That is what about to happen to all of America, if the Democrats are to win the 08 race. I can't see how they can have all their promises of universal health care and many other social programs payed for. Raising taxes on the rich is not enough. The middle class will have to pay a good bit more. Ask the middle class if they fill rich today with the high gas prices. The average Joe would say hell no. But, under the Democrats, Mr. Joe will have his taxes increased a good amount. Even if the middle class taxes are increase just a little bit, they need a break. Middle America is under enough pressure with making house payments, filling the car up just go to work, and putting food on the table. Do you agree?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Three Strikes and Obama is Out!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
If Democrats Can't Get Their Primary Right, How Are They Going To Do Health Care Right?
Democrats in Florida and Michigan have been struggling to come up with an alternative to ensure their delegates are seated at the national convention this summer after the party punished them for holding early primaries. The pressure to resolve the issue has increased amid the protracted fight for every delegate between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
Karen Thurman, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, offered a mail-in/in person proposal for voting and urged state leaders, the national party and the presidential candidates to sign on. Under the plan, all of Florida's 4.1 million Democrats would be mailed a ballot. They could send it back, or cast a ballot in one of 50 regional voting centers that would be set up. The election would end June 3, a week before a Democratic National Committee deadline to name delegates.
The estimated cost is $10 million to $12 million.
Asked if the plan will be implemented, Thurman said, "I have a feeling that this is probably closer to not, than yes." If the Democrats can't get the Michigan and Florida primaries right, How are they going to do health care? Hell, how are they going to get us out of the Iraq war? This just plain old politicking at it's best. Howard Dean is the one is messing this up for the Democrats. He could have seen this happening a mile away. But, he is to stubborn , and is made that these two states thumb their noses at him. Therefore, he is trying to press his power around , and, in the end looking like he is incompetent of his job. Do you blame the states? Do you blame Howard Dean? HOW WOULD YOU FIX THIS MESS, BEFORE IT TOTALLY DERAILS THE DEMOCRATS RUN FOR THE PRESIDENCY.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
McCain and " Fill in The Blank" For 08?
Speaking to reporters on his campaign plane, the expected Republican nominee said he had seen news reports that a defeated rival, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, had expressed interest in the job, but he offered no comment one way or the other on whether Romney would be a candidate."I got that impression watching the interview last night," McCain said of Romney's interest in the No. 2 slot on the Republican ticket in November's election.Romney told Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" on Tuesday that "any Republican leader in this country would be honored to be asked to serve as the vice presidential nominee, myself included."Romney endorsed McCain in February after the Arizona senator defeated him in an often caustic campaign battle. McCain will face either Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York or Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois in November.McCain said he was just beginning to put together a search team to vet potential candidates and seek background checks on them. He joked that he has had "at least 100 volunteers to lead" the search for a No. 2.No decision was expected any time soon. Presidential nominees often wait until just before their party's nominating convention in late summer to announce their running mate.
McCain said he and advisers have begun discussing "what was the process that was used in other campaigns, what process should we go through."He said his prime criteria is someone "who can take your place, shares your principles, your values and your vision and your priorities."McCain talked about his vice presidential search as he came to New Hampshire to hold a town-hall meeting in Exeter and say thank you to the state that revived his candidacy.McCain won New Hampshire in January and put him on track to seize control of the Republican race, months after he was given up for dead. McCain and Romney for 08! Just does not sound right to me. It seems to be that Mitt Romney would have better things to do. Is another white male on the republican ticket, going to be able to beat a Hillary and Obama ticket? Is there not a minority person able to get McCains interest? Do you think McCain will choose Romney? Would Mitt Romney, as Vice President, encourage you to vote for McCain?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Obama Full of Hot Air or Kitchen Sink Part 2
On energy policy, Clinton disparaged Obama for promoting wind energy but voting for the administration's 2005 energy bill. On the Iraq war, she faulted him for pledging to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq while his former foreign policy advisor told European audiences to ignore the candidate's promise as politics. And on trade policy, she contended, Obama pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement while a top economic advisor assured Canadians his promise was campaign rhetoric."There's a big difference between talk and action," she said.The Obama campaign responded immediately, saying that Clinton is trying to score "cheap political points" with "a kitchen sink of distorted and discredited attacks that she knows aren't true." Obama full of hot air, or is it the Kitchen sink part II? This is getting more and more intense by the day. Clinton is going to swing away , and it appears Obama is going to go toe to toe with her. Obama needs just a draw to win, while Clinton needs a few hard hits. This is the making for a legendary race for modern times. Is this turning you off of the Democrats front runners? Who do you think will win? Is it smart for Clinton to fire at will towards Obama? Should Obama be try to meet here blow for blow?
Monday, March 10, 2008
No, But Hell No!! Obama Speaks Out on Super Ticket!
``With all due respect, I won twice as many states as Senator Clinton. I won more of the popular vote than Senator Clinton. I have more delegates than Senator Clinton,'' Obama said while campaigning in Mississippi, which is holding a primary tomorrow. ``I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice presidency to somebody who is in first place.''
Obama, a senator from Illinois, said voters shouldn't think that somehow they can ``get both'' New York Senator Clinton and himself on the Democratic ticket.
``My argument throughout this campaign is that we need to change how business is done in Washington, and I don't think Senator Clinton represents the kind of change that's needed,'' he said when asked if he was ruling out running on a ticket with Clinton. Got to admit, Obama\Clinton or Clinton\Obama would be tough for McCain to run against. But, Obama appears to be not even haveing Clinton any where near him. Would you vote more for a Clinton\ Obama ticket or an Obama\Clinton ticket? Do you think Obama is messing up his chances to win the women vote , and/or the whole race, by dissing Clinton?
"Obama the Hypocrite"
“Candidates should not tell voters one thing and have advisers tell BBC others,” said Communications Director Howard Wolfson said. “You should not hit another candidate for a position you hold. …This is something voters should be particularly concerned about.”Clinton herself has not set a date for withdrawal and has said she would take into consideration the advice of military personnel on the ground to assess the situation in Jan. 2009. But it’s not about that, the campaign said; it’s that Obama is being inconsistent. Once again, Clinton fires a shot off at Obama. This race is about to really turn really hot for the next few weeks. But, there is something here. This is the second time Obama has been caught saying one thing to the public, and then saying something else behind closed doors. Will this come back to haunt him? Can the American public trust what he is telling them? Due to Obama's lack of experience, it is his speeches that got him to where he is today.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
McCain's Gain or Lost?
Publicly, McCain shrugs when asked whether the Democratic battle helps or hurts his nascent general election campaign. Some senior GOP strategists, including former White House adviser Karl Rove, fear that the red-hot Democratic contest could make McCain look irrelevant, forcing him out of the daily news reports."Mr. McCain becomes less interesting to the media. Stories about him move off page one and grow smaller. TV coverage becomes spotty and short," Rove wrote in an opinion article published Thursday in the Wall Street Journal.But top McCain advisers think it is a gift, and the push to raise money — verging on desperate after Obama's $55 million haul in February — has already been unleashed."We have to raise money," said Charles Black, a top political adviser to McCain. "Probably the biggest advantage that this time gives us is that, while they are spending their money on each other, we can go out and raise money and put it in the bank" John McCain is 50/50 over this fight between Obama and Clinton. Yes, he is relaxing and enjoying the othere two fighting each other. But, you know the saying,"Good press and bad press= Good press". Obama and Clinton or getting all the eyes for now, and, they are getting battle harden. Do you think McCain will be able to capitalise on this? Will Obama or Clinton be able to have any fight left in them after this?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Clinton Attacks, Obama to Defend!
The conflict was given new life on Friday when Samantha Power, a close friend and a senior foreign policy adviser to Obama, resigned after referring to Clinton as “a monster.”
While Power, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her book on policy called A Problem from Hell: America in the Age of Genocide, apologised for remarks she called “inexcusable,” the incident underscored the hard feelings.
Obama, who did not publicly acknowledge Power’s comment when he arrived here Friday on the eve of the Democratic caucuses in Wyoming, privately admonished members of his staff to avoid being drawn into an unnecessary negative back-and-forth with rivals.
Asked about the incident by a reporter at a campaign stop here, he said he had not “been drawn into a knife fight.”
Yet after losing in Ohio, Rhode Island and Texas — following days of being pummeled — advisers to Obama conceded they had to take a sharper tack as the Democratic nominating fight slogs forward in a delegate-by-delegate battle.
The Clinton campaign has, since Bill Clinton ran for president, mastered the art of the “war room.”Even as they counter punched, Obama’s aides cast themselves as reluctant participants in the brawl.
“There are people that will always do politics as usual better than we will,” said Robert Gibbs, the communications director for Obama. “That’s why people want something different.”
The comments from Power came in an interview with a Scottish newspaper in which she characterized Clinton as a desperate candidate. “She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything,” Power was quoted as saying.
While the comments were unauthorized and immediately condemned, they also drew attention to other remarks on Iraq Power made in an interview with the BBC. This is continue for a few more weeks. Will it work for Clinton or Obama? Will this make them better when they face McCain? Or, will McCain be given a road map to win by?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Obama on the ATTACK!!
Obama aides vowed to fight fire with fire, after Hillary's withering scrutiny of his integrity and national security mettle helped her break his 12-contest win streak in three of Tuesday's four nominating showdowns.
"The vetting of Hillary Clinton has yet to start. The hard questions haven't been asked of Senator Clinton," said Obama strategist David Axelrod.
The Obama campaign demanded in a conference call that Hillary immediately release her tax returns, which opponents accuse of her trying to cover up.
Axelrod also accused the former first lady’s camp of initiating a “search and destroy” mission against Obama, over a hard-hitting ad campaign questioning his capacity to handle a late-night foreign policy crisis as President. It is round two for Obama and Clinton. Will we see more of the same old nice guy? Will this race turn into a death match with every ounce of fire from each other? Would you be turned off from a more aggressive campaign?
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Change We Can NOT Believe In!!!
According to the writer of the memorandum, Joseph De Mora, a political and economic affairs consular officer, Professor Goolsbee assured them that Mr. Obama’s protectionist stand on the trail was “more reflective of political maneuvering than policy.”The memorandum exposed Mr. Obama to accusations of hypocrisy on a touchstone issue, although Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama have engaged in posturing on Nafta as they scrapped for votes in Ohio. The two have used language that has been much more hostile in tone on free trade than the nuanced positions that they had staked out in the past.The memorandum raises questions about the transparency and the ability of the campaign to address problems before they grow.The controversy began last week when CTV, a Canadian television network, reported that an Obama official had called the Canadian ambassador in Washington to play down the significance of Mr. Obama’s criticism of NAFTA. Well, is this what the Dems want. Solid proof that Obama is full of hot air. I can't believe that this is going on. Is this a win at all cost strategy? Can we trust Obama and all his promises, of "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN" and there is no truth behind his speeches? http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-usobam0304,0,3682936.story
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Obama, A Lot of Talk, Very Little Little Action! But Do You Care?