Sunday, March 16, 2008

TAKE COVER!! Obama's Full Assault, About to Begin !!!

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Hillary Clinton's White House campaign lashed out Sunday after a report said rival Barack Obama was preparing a "full assault" on her after unloading some embarrassments to his own campaign.
The feuding over the report in the Democrat's hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, came as Republican nominee-elect John McCain polished his national security credentials on a surprise trip to Iraq.
"It is disappointing that a campaign that began by promising a politics of hope has come to this, that it is signalling and revelling in attacks on Senator Clinton's character," her communications director Howard Wolfson said.
"This is not the campaign they promised us," he said on a conference call.
The Tribune noted that Obama was now distancing himself from his fiery Chicago pastor, who argues in a newly unearthed video that the September 11 attacks of 2001 showed that "America's chickens are coming home to roost."

The Tribune report said Obama was "trying to air his dirty laundry ... as he prepares a full assault on Senator Hillary Clinton over ethics and transparency." It did not spell out what form that assault might take.
But earlier Sunday, Obama aides kept up a barrage of questioning over Clinton's tax returns, her records from her White House days, and possible ties to donors who gave generously to her husband Bill's presidential library.
"The Clinton campaign says she has been fully vetted but the truth is she is a veteran of non-disclosure," Obama chief strategist David Axelrod said.
"All of this has created a sense that there are things she wants the public not to know," he said.
And addressing the Clinton camp's battle to seat delegates from the pariah states of Florida and Michigan, Axelrod said: "You get the feeling they are literally trying to do anything to win this nomination."
The feistier tone between the campaigns belied a truce over Obama's pastor with Clinton supporters passing up repeating opportunities to decry the inflammatory language of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who said in the newly disclosed video that the 9/11 attacks were brought on by US "terrorism."
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the country's highest ranking elected Democrat, ruled out a "dream ticket" combining Obama and Clinton and said the party's nominee should be whoever leads in the final delegate count. Take cover, this is about to get ugly! Obama appears to be ready for an all out assault on Clinton. He is looking for the KNOCK-OUT PUNCH! I am betting this will be the hottest weeks of mud slinging we have seen yet. With Nancy Pelosi telling us there will be no "Dream Ticket" , then there no reason to play nice. Do you think this will take Clinton out of the race? Are you one of those that like to watch this showdown at high noon? Will this help McCain when it is all said and done?


Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are classic tax-and-spend liberals whose proposals would, if ever implemented, take money out of the pockets of virtually all taxpayers — including low- and moderate-income Americans.Yet the contenders for the Democratic Party nomination for president continue to insist that they would merely “tax the rich” while helping those with lower incomes.We’ll see — sooner than Obama and Clinton would like.This week, both cast votes in the Senate against continuing President Bush’s tax relief package. Soon, they will be voting on a federal budget bill proposed by Democrat leaders and supported by Clinton and Obama. According to published reports, that budget bill would, if enacted, increase taxes on individuals making as little as $31,850 a year and on families earning as little as $63,700. If that’s “rich,” it will come as news to tens of millions of middle-class Americans. Liberals in both houses of Congress insist that their budget plans are needed in order to reduce federal deficit spending. At the same time, they include massive increases in spending — made possible, of course, by higher taxes. The Democrat budgets specify spending increases in excess of the rate of inflation for virtually all domestic programs. President Bush’s budget proposal, on the other hand, calls for restraint in domestic spending — and taxation.If Obama and Clinton continue to support their party’s budget plans — as they have in the past — they will expose themselves for what they are: politicians whose plans include major tax increases on virtually all Americans. Tax me!!! Please, TAX ME!!! That is what about to happen to all of America, if the Democrats are to win the 08 race. I can't see how they can have all their promises of universal health care and many other social programs payed for. Raising taxes on the rich is not enough. The middle class will have to pay a good bit more. Ask the middle class if they fill rich today with the high gas prices. The average Joe would say hell no. But, under the Democrats, Mr. Joe will have his taxes increased a good amount. Even if the middle class taxes are increase just a little bit, they need a break. Middle America is under enough pressure with making house payments, filling the car up just go to work, and putting food on the table. Do you agree?