Sunday, March 2, 2008

Obama, A Lot of Talk, Very Little Little Action! But Do You Care?

Obama has made his opposition to the Iraq war in 2002, before he became a U.S. senator, a central theme of his presidential campaign. But Clinton urged voters to consider whom they wanted to answer the phone in the White House at a time of national crisis."His entire campaign is based on one speech he gave at an anti-war rally in 2002," Clinton said of the Illinois senator. "And I give him credit for making the speech, but the speech was not followed up with action, which is part of the pattern we have seen repeatedly -- a lot of talk, little action."But Clinton fumbled when reporters aboard her campaign plane asked her if she had ever made a middle-of-the-night, foreign policy decision like the one she touts in her ad. Clinton at first said she was "involved in a lot of the decisions that were made," but later she said, "No one who hasn't been president has ever done that."Obama spokesman Bill Burton said that "Sen. Clinton is right when she says she's been tested on national security, but it's a test she has resoundingly failed." Hillary Clinton, is firing at will towards Obama. But, she has one problem, Obama is to good at " talking". When ever she swings at Obama, he coolly turns it back on her. Maybe, Obama needs to answer the phone? But, after he hangs up, what will he do? Clinton is experience with eight years in the White House with her husband. Obama just comes across well. So, who do you want to answer that phone?


Anonymous said...

Obama sounds good, but, not old enuf!! lol

Anonymous said...

Obama full of hot air! He is why we are getting GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Clinton has taken that call.... and it was wrong.

Anonymous said...

Clinton would be better off in charge. Obama is a good guy, but, she would not have as many misstakes.

Anonymous said...

McCain will give both of them a good fight. I do not know who will win, but, it will be good to watch.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I don't. All these people are con artist to me.

Anonymous said...

I agree.Obama is not ready yet.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for MCCAIN to whip Obama or Clinton. I can see it now..

Anonymous said...

Clinton wins because of all the right wingers that will vote for her.

Anonymous said...

Indepentdents will push Obama ahead I bet.

Anonymous said...

McCain will pop Obama hot air ballon. Clinton has to many battles to fight and will fall short. P.S. Why so many kissing up to Obama?