Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama Full of Hot Air or Kitchen Sink Part 2

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton today attacked rival Sen. Barack Obama, contrasting his rhetoric and his actions on issues such as Iraq and free trade."If you're going to talk, you ought to mean what you say so people can count on it," she said at a rally in Harrisburg, Pa., six weeks before Pennsylvania holds its delegate-rich presidential primary on April 22.
On energy policy, Clinton disparaged Obama for promoting wind energy but voting for the administration's 2005 energy bill. On the Iraq war, she faulted him for pledging to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq while his former foreign policy advisor told European audiences to ignore the candidate's promise as politics. And on trade policy, she contended, Obama pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement while a top economic advisor assured Canadians his promise was campaign rhetoric."There's a big difference between talk and action," she said.The Obama campaign responded immediately, saying that Clinton is trying to score "cheap political points" with "a kitchen sink of distorted and discredited attacks that she knows aren't true." Obama full of hot air, or is it the Kitchen sink part II? This is getting more and more intense by the day. Clinton is going to swing away , and it appears Obama is going to go toe to toe with her. Obama needs just a draw to win, while Clinton needs a few hard hits. This is the making for a legendary race for modern times. Is this turning you off of the Democrats front runners? Who do you think will win? Is it smart for Clinton to fire at will towards Obama? Should Obama be try to meet here blow for blow?


Anonymous said...

Obama need to just keep his mouth shut. He got this in the bag!

Anonymous said...

Clinton just telling you how it is. Don't blame her. More of this to come!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Obama going to talk B.S., then let him catch B.S!

Anonymous said...

Clinton's comments about Obama are FIERCE! He's really got a hot mess on his hands!

Anonymous said...

Not fierce enuff!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

McCain got to be just loveing this!!

Anonymous said...

Obama is full of hot air. McCain is going to pop him good in the fall.