Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama is Stalling! Democrates Going to Revolt?

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign accused Barack Obama on Tuesday of standing in the way of a second presidential primary in Michigan, as several state lawmakers expressed concerns over suggested rules governing any revote.
Aides said the former first lady would make a hastily arranged appearance in Detroit on Wednesday to make the argument for going ahead despite the obstacles.
Mo Elleithee, a spokesman, said Clinton would "make the case for counting the people of Michigan, that every vote must count and that Senator Obama is standing in the way of a revote, and that snubbing Michigan would hurt the Democratic party in November."
Even before Clinton announced her travel plans, Obama's spokesman accused her of merely looking out for her own political interests.
"As others in Michigan have pointed out, there are valid concerns about the proposal currently being discussed, including severe restrictions on voter eligibility and the reliance on private funding," said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. "We have raised these concerns, as legislators in Michigan did today, and we're waiting to see if these issues can be resolved by the Legislature."
Michigan is one of two states that violated Democratic Party rules by holding primaries too early in the year. As punishment, the party stripped both states of their delegates to the national nominating convention.
Plans for a revote in the other state, Florida, collapsed over the weekend, leaving the future of its delegation unclear.
Originally, Michigan was to have 128 delegates; Florida's total was 185. Clinton is about to have a melt down. Can you blame her? While Michigan Democrats are getting the cold shoulder from Obama and Dean. If Michiganites do not get their voice heard, than they should get pissed. This is becoming one of the biggest cluster *ucks I have ever seen. How can the Democratic party be taken seriously? If this is how they run their primaries, then God help us if they take over the White House.


Anonymous said...

This is got me to the point of voting for McCain

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you!

Anonymous said...

I with you. Dean is a loser.

Anonymous said...

Clinton should be pissed. To lose like this?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Obama is just playing the game. It is all Michigan fault.

Anonymous said...

No way is Michigan to blame. The democratic party is just messed up.

Anonymous said...

I think Michigan should count!

Anonymous said...

Clinton is just a crybaby. Tell her it is over.

Anonymous said...

McCain is so lucky. Democrates or a bunch of do dos.